Aussie Metal Detecting & Fishing

Sears, Roebuck and Company

This page contains SEARS and affiliates shotgun shell headstamp photos and production date ranges. The date ranges below are not exact but an estimation of production dates based on available information. If you are aware of evidence that proves a date range on a brand of shell is incorrect then please email me with a photo of said evidence so I can change the date.

Sears, Roebuck and Company began life in 1893 selling items via mail order catalog. Their early selection of shotshells available for purchase were UMC and Winchester brands.

Click on a link below to jump to that type of shell or scroll down to browse.

C.C.Co. Pointer
C.C.Co. Xtra-Range
J.C. Higgins Xtra-Range
J.C. Higgins Sportload
Sears Sportload
Sears Xtra-Range
S.R. & Co. Mallard
S.R. & Co. Pointer
S.R. & Co. Sportload
S.R. & Co. Xtra-Range
Ted Williams Sears

C.C.Co. Pointer

GaugeCommentsDate Range
C.C.Co. No 12 PointerNo 12Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height is high with no design around the outside. Although I put 1930's as the ending date for this line of shells, I personally feel that the 1920's is closer to accurate. I cannot verify that though. The 1905 date range comes from several sources, both academic and retail, but once again, I cannot verify it with historic records yet. 1905 - 1930's

C.C.Co. Xtra-Range

GaugeCommentsDate Range
C.C.Co. No 12 Xtra-RangeNo 12Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height is high with no design around the outside. Although I put 1930's as the ending date for this line of shells, I personally feel that the 1920's is closer to accurate. I cannot verify that though. The 1905 date range comes from several sources, both academic and retail, but once again, I cannot verify it with historic records yet1905 - 1930's

J.C. Higgins Xtra-Range

GaugeCommentsDate Range
J.C. Higgins 12 GA Xtra-RangeNo 12Head, primer cup, and primer appear to be the same metal. Brass height - High with a “tank track” design going around the outside. Picture a ||||| between two lines going all the way around. The date range comes from an article on the Sears Archives Web site. I don't have specific dates available to me at this point in time. 1940's - 1950's
J.C. Higging No 12 Xtra-RangeNo 12Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height - high with no design on the outside. The date range comes from an article on the Sears Archives Web site. I don't have specific dates available to me at this point in time. 1940's - 1950's
J.C. Higgins No 16 Xtra-RangeNo 16Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non magnetic). Brass height - high with tank track design around the outside. The date range comes from an article on the Sears Archives Web site. I don't have specific dates available to me at this point in time. 1940's - 1950's
J.C. Higgins 20 GA Xtra-RangeNo 20Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height is high with the "tank track" design going around the outside. The date range comes from an article on the Sears Archives Web site. I don't have specific dates available to me at this point in time. 1940's - 1950's

J.C. Higgins Sportload

GaugeCommentsDate Range
J.C. Higgins No 12 SportloadNo 12Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height is unknown due to damage, but there is evidence of at least one line around the outside. Primer is unfired. There appears to be a stamping error with the L in LOAD too. The date range comes from an article on the Sears Archives Web site. I don't have specific dates available to me at this point in time.1940's - 1950's
J.C. Higgins 12 GA SportloadNo 12Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height is high with two lines around the outside. The date range comes from an article on the Sears Archives Web site. I don't have specific dates available to me at this point in time.1940's - 1950's

Sears Sportload

GaugeCommentsDate Range
Sears 12 GA SportloadNo 12Head and primer appear to be the same metal with the primer cup being different (magnetic). Brass height is unsure with at least two lines around the outside. This date range is more of an educated guess than anything. It is partially supported by a couple of Sears Catalogs. Please note, the S.R.&Co. and Sears headstamps were both listed in the same catalog.1920's - 1940's
Sears No 16 SportloadNo 16Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height unsure due to damage but there is at least two lines around the outside. This date range is more of an educated guess than anything. It is partially supported by a couple of Sears Catalogs. Please note, the S.R.&Co. and Sears headstamps were both listed in the same catalog.1920's - 1940's
Sears 20 GA sportloadNo 20Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal. Brass height - unknown due to damage. There appears to be at least one line going around the outside. This date range is more of an educated guess than anything. It is partially supported by a couple of Sears Catalogs. Please note, the S.R.&Co. and Sears headstamps were both listed in the same catalog.1920's - 1940's

Sears Xtra-Range

GaugeCommentDate Ranges
Sears 12 GA Xtra-RangeNo 12Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height is medium with nothing on the outside. This date range is more of an educated guess than anything. It is partially supported by a couple of Sears Catalogs. Please note, the S.R.&Co. and Sears headstamps were both listed in the same catalog.1920's - 1940's

S.R. & Co. Mallard

GaugeCommentsDate Range
S.R. & Co. 12 MallardNo 12Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal. Brass height - low with no design on the outside. This date range is more of an educated guess than anything. It is partially supported by a couple of Sears Catalogs. Please note, the S.R.&Co. and Sears headstamps were both listed in the same catalog. 1920's - 1940's
S.R. & Co. No 12 MallardNo 12Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (magnetic). Brass height is medium-high with two lines around the outside. This date range is more of an educated guess than anything. It is partially supported by a couple of Sears Catalogs. Please note, the S.R.&Co. and Sears headstamps were both listed in the same catalog. 1920's - 1940's
S.R. Co no 12 MallardNo 16Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height low/med with two lines going around the outside. This date range is more of an educated guess than anything. It is partially supported by a couple of Sears Catalogs. Please note, the S.R.&Co. and Sears headstamps were both listed in the same catalog. 1920's - 1940's

S.R. & Co. Pointer

GaugeCommentsDate Range
S.R. & Co No 12 PointerNo 12Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height is very high with the tank track design going around the top part of the outside. This date range is more of an educated guess than anything. It is partially supported by a couple of Sears Catalogs. Please note, the S.R.&Co. and Sears headstamps were both listed in the same catalog. 1920's - 1940's

S.R. & Co. Sportload

GaugeCommentsDate Range
S.R & Co No 12 SportloadNo 12Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal. Brass height - unsure due to damage but there is at least two lines going around the outside. This date range is more of an educated guess than anything. It is partially supported by a couple of Sears Catalogs. Please note, the S.R.&Co. and Sears headstamps were both listed in the same catalog. 1920's - 1940's

S.R. & Co. Xtra-Range

GaugeCommentsDate Range
S.R. & Co. No 12 Xtra-RangeNo 12Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non magnetic). Brass height - high with railroad track design going around the outside. This date range is more of an educated guess than anything. It is partially supported by a couple of Sears Catalogs. Please note, the S.R.&Co. and Sears headstamps were both listed in the same catalog. 1920's - 1940's
S.R. & Co. No 16 Xtra-RangeNo 16Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height - high with tank track design around the top. This date range is more of an educated guess than anything. It is partially supported by a couple of Sears Catalogs. Please note, the S.R.&Co. and Sears headstamps were both listed in the same catalog. 1920's - 1940's
S.R & Co. No 20 Xtra-RangeNo 20Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height is high with "tank track" design going around the outside. This date range is more of an educated guess than anything. It is partially supported by a couple of Sears Catalogs. Please note, the S.R.&Co. and Sears headstamps were both listed in the same catalog. 1920's - 1940's

Sears Ted Williams

GaugeCommentsDate Range
Sears Ted Williams 12 GANo 12Head, primer cup and primer appear to be the same metal (non-magnetic). Brass height - unknown due to damage but there is evidence of two lines around the outside.Working on it

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